Women of Washington

Communicating America’s Founding Principles

Women of Washington is an educational organization with a focus on understanding local, national, and global issues that are critical to our world today.

September 2024

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans

Peter Schweitzer


It’s often said that China is in a cold war with America. The reality is far worse: the war is hot, and the body count is one-sided.

China is killing Americans and working aggres­sively to maximize the carnage while our leaders remain passive and, in some cases, compliant. Why?

If anyone could crack the code, it’s the renowned nonpartisan investigator Peter Schweizer. Schweizer’s previous three number one New York Times bestsellers sent shock waves through official Wash­ington, sparking FBI investigations and congres­sional probes that continue to this day.

For Blood Money, Schweizer and his team of forensic investigators spent more than two years scouring a trove of restricted Chinese military documents, data-mining a mountain of American financial records, and tracking US political lead­ers’ investments and family businesses. Schweizer unloads bombshell after bombshell, exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s covert operations in the American drug trade, social justice movement, and medical establishment to sow chaos and deca­dence in the United States.

A towering achievement of investigative jour­nalism, Blood Money is one of those rare books that makes you clearly see the world anew.

June 2024

Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life

Seamus Bruner & Forward by Peter Schweizer

"Controligarchs peers into the future and provides a haunting and revelatory exposé of the globalist elite’s playbook for the next five years.”
- Peter Schweizer, author of 
Red-Handed, Clinton Cash, and Profiles in Corruption

Imagine a world in which you own nothing and rent everything. Most of the protein in your diet comes from bugs. You are not allowed to have more than one child, and your financial and medical data are instantly transferred to a centralized government database via a subdermal microchip.

Controligarchs warns that this will be our existence if the supranational elites of the World Economic Forum get their way.

In this book, investigative journalist Seamus Bruner—who led the teams whose findings sparked multiple FBI investigations and congressional probes into the Clintons and the Bidens—exposes the billionaires who control the levers of power that dominate every aspect of your life.

Inside this pathbreaking new book, you will discover:

  • Bill Gates’s $11.7 billion food takeover scheme… and the real reason he’s snapping up America’s farmland
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s $36 billion plot to reengineer society and force you into tech addiction
  • Jeff Bezos’s taxpayer-funded electric vehicle ambitions, climate hypocrisy, and $1.2 billion plan to spy on you by overseeing your “smart” home
  • The Soros family’s project to use its $25 billion empire to influence elections and society for the next 50 years
  • How World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab built an exclusive club in Davos where the top 25 WEF members—now worth more than $10 trillion—have more economic power than most world governments, and how these global oligarchs are seizing control over our future

Based on a mountain of financial filings, insider documents, and corporate records, 
Controligarchs rips back the curtain on never-before-published revelations about the life-altering schemes that globalist elites have in store for you. This book is a must-read for anyone who values American independence and personal freedom.

May 2024

Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders’ Hidden Planfor Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset

Kevin Freeman

When they met in Philadelphia in 1787, everyone understood real money as Spanish gold doubloons and silver pieces of eight. The Founders hid a clause in the Constitution that allowed states to use Pirate Money as legal tender. Adding current technology, their secret can be used to stop the threats of inflation, federal overreach, and the Great Reset while preserving personal liberty and privacy.

This book offers a blending of old-world and modern solutions that will forever change the way you view money.

Join the Pirate Money Revolution!

April 2024

The American Story: The Beginnings

David Barton

AMERICA IS UNIQUE. No other nation in the world has experienced the widespread levels of stability, individual prosperity, and personal freedoms that have defined this nation. What made us different from other nations? Was it the people, the principles, or the blessing of God? It was all three, and they caused America to become the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.

Our past is filled with captivating accounts of the brave and the cowardly; of heroes and villains; of atrocities, corruption, and greed as well as self-sacrifice, honor, and redemption. America is not perfect. Yet we have a compelling story of those seeking religious and civil freedom, escaping oppression, pursuing opportunity, and often joining hands to achieve common goals. 
The American Story highlights this cooperation and presents some of the interesting moments and people that reveal God s Providence in America. We have a fascinating history that must be remembered.

March 2024

While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector's Search for Freedom in America

Yeonmi Park


The North Korean defector, human rights advocate, and bestselling author of In Order to Live sounds the alarm on the culture wars, identity politics, and authoritarian tendencies tearing America apart.

After defecting from North Korea, Yeonmi Park found liberty and freedom in America. But she also found a chilling crackdown on self-expression and thought that reminded her of the brutal regime she risked her life to escape. When she spoke out about the mass political indoctrination she saw around her in the United States, Park faced censorship and even death threats.

While Time Remains, Park highlights the dangerous hypocrisies, mob tactics, and authoritarian tendencies that speak in the name of wokeness and social justice. No one is spared in her eye-opening account, including the elites who claim to care for the poor and working classes but turn their backs on anyone who dares to think independently.

Park arrived in America eight years ago with no preconceptions, no political aims, and no partisan agenda. With urgency and unique insight, the bestselling author and human rights activist reminds us of the fragility of freedom, and what we must do to preserve it.

February 2024

Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age

Naomi Wolfe

From New York Times bestselling author Naomi Wolf, Facing the Beast is a devastating, detailed account of wrongthink, deplatforming, and an unexpected political, personal, and spiritual transformation that followed during one of the most divisive times in American history.In this uncompromising investigation into today’s most urgent issues, Naomi Wolf uses her own wildly politicized pilgrimage―from New York Times bestselling author and high-level Democratic consultant to a journalist cast out from the elite political and social circles she once moved through―as a stunning narrative framework that is both chilling and incisive.Wolf’s sin? Doing the job that good journalists once prided themselves on: asking questions, challenging authority, and, during one of the most politically divisive moments in modern history, exposing the many failures of the public health response during the COVID-19 pandemic by chronicling the dangerous descent of our democracy into tyranny, censorship, and totalitarianism.Unable to remain silent in the shadows and unwilling to collude with the mainstream, Wolf bravely covers topics that few other writers dare to address critically for fear of being deplatformed. Facing the Beast explores reproductive rights, medical freedom, the uncurious thought-policing of the “progressive” left, the Second Amendment, the criminal relationship between the FDA and Pfizer―Wolf’s clear writing repeatedly shines light in the dark corners of our fractured society.A decades-long champion of free speech, freedom of the press, and the Constitution, Wolf found herself not only in the midst of a political rebirth but a spiritual transformation as well―one in which the events of the day could only be described in terms of good, evil, and a metaphysical quest on the nature of reality.For readers of Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, and Bari Weiss, Facing the Beast is a fearless indictment of legacy media and the political class, as well as a brutal reminder that searching for and defending the truth can be dangerous.“Naomi Wolf is one of the bravest, clearest-thinking people I know. The reason you hear the forces of repression so desperately trying to dismiss her is because she is right.”―Tucker Carlson

January 2024

Power of the Powerless

Vaclav Havel


Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer’s unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves?

Written in 1978, Václav Havel’s meditation on political dissent – the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it – would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy.