Women of Washington

Communicating America’s Founding Principles

Women of Washington is an educational organization with a focus on understanding local, national, and global issues that are critical to our world today.

Convention of States

Our Founders gave us a legitimate path to save our liberty by using our state governments to impose binding restraints on the federal government.  Article V of the US Constitution gives us that power and authority:  That solution/authority is to hold a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution.

The Convention of States Project, founded by the Citizens for Self-Governance is intended to amend our Constitution to: stop the federal spending and debt spree, the power grabs of the federal courts, and  other misuses of federal power.  This insurance of our liberty  can be accomplished by three amendments that must be passed together: 

1. A balanced budget amendment.
2. Term limits for all federally elected officials,  including Supreme Court Judges 
3. Reducing the size and scope of the federal government , returning all the seeded powers from the states back to the states.

The success of a Convention of States depends directly on YOU, the American citizen acting/lobbying locally in Washington State with our Convention of States of Washington.

Convention of States Action


Simple: to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs. Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. shouldn’t be allowed to make sweeping decisions that impact millions of Americans. But right now, they do. So it all boils down to one question: Who do you think should decide what’s best for you and your family? You, or the feds? We’d vote for the American people every single time.

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Grassroots Lobbying

February 1, 2017

What is unique about this Article V, Convention of States Project?

  A wide-spread grassroots organization has been missing from all previous Article V movements.  Grassroots lobbying is the key to calling a successful convention.  COS President, Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots-the largest tea party group in the country and Michael  Farris, is the founder of the  Home School Legal Defense Fund, both men bring over 30 years of grassroots leadership and activism in all 50 states. Theirs is the same grassroots organizing  plan that is applied and implemented to this COS Project.

The COS Grassroots plan is not only simple, but it is realistic:

--Build a viable political operation that is  active in at least 40 states
-- These 40 states have approximately 4,000 state house districts.  The goal is to have a viable political operation in at least 3,000 of these districts.
--There will be 3,00 district captains who will organize at least 100 people in each district to contact their legislators to support a convention of states. AND turn out at least 25 people per district at legislative hearings.

The success of a Convention of States in the State of Washington depends directly on YOU, the American Citizen, voting patriot of the State of Washington.

Look for the sample letter in this newsletter.  Copy and edit at will  and send one to you two district legislators and your senator.  Then Call them on the phone and say the same words that are in the letter. If you have to leave a message, leave a full message and your contact information AND most of all be available to go to Olympia and be present in the legislative meetings/hearings.  Plan to speak in support of COS.  Olympia has to see a big turn out of voters from their districts.  If they just get a letter or one phone call, they do not feel the pressure and know and understand that COS is a serious, organized  movement.
Imagine, there are 49 legislative districts in the State of Washington.  If we follow the proven grassroots  plan  and 25 voter- patriots show up in Olympia from each legislative district, that  would pack the hearing room and the halls with 1225 voters. Every legislator knows there are 25 constituents present from their district!

Do you think we would get their attention?  Do you think we could get a COS passed ?  We are not reinventing the wheel. We are following a tried and true plan for grassroots organization. "Let's Roll"  Contact Kathryn Reagh or Susan Watkins to get involved.

Sample Letter to your Legislators

Please consider writing a letter to your Representative or Senators.  You are welcome to use this sample letter if you do not want to write one of your own....Please share this with anyone that you think is willing to write a letter but does not know where to start on this subject.  


Subject: Support and Pass Convention of States Legislation

Dear Representative/Senator___________

Currently there are over 14,000 Washington State Patriot-Voters concerned and passionate about our out- of -control behemoth Federal Government.  2016 is our year to do something about it and return that power and control back to our states and to WE THE PEOPLE. 

Luckily for us, the founders, in their wisdom, provided us a solution to this madness of Federal government over reach  in Article V of the Constitution, which allows the states to bypass Congress to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The Convention of States project aims to call an Article V convention to propose amendments to "impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress." COS is rolling across the country and has legislation under active consideration in dozens of states.

As your constituent in the 34th District I ask you to support and pass the Convention of States Bills for Washington.


Top 10 Reasons Washington Should Pass the Convention of States Project Application for an Article V Convention

1. Because it’s time to ensure that no President can exceed his/her constitutional authority through overreaching executive orders.
2. Because Washington should have control of its own land and resources.
3. Because the people of Washington should be free to decide on policies and curriculum for our schools without interference from the federal government.
4. Because the Convention of States Project’s Article V resolution allows the states to put the brakes on lawmaking by federal agencies.
5. Because decisions made in D.C. are decisions influenced more by lobbyists and special interests than by the people.
6. Because a power-hungry federal government will never restrain its own power.
7. Because unrestrained D.C. spending is bankrupting America.
8. Because the power cabal in Washington, D.C. are out of touch with ordinary Americans.
9. Because the states, acting together, are the last hope for restoring the Republic.
10. Because the Article V Convention for Proposing Amendments was given to us for such a time as this.

Read More at www.cosaction.com

Convention of States Rally

January 18, 2017

Capitol Steps In Olympia at Noon
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

  • To preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States we ask our legislators to call an Article V Convention of States that imposes fiscal restraints, limits power and jurisdiction, and limits terms of office for officials of the federal government.
  • Please attend to help send a strong statement of support to legislators to approve COS this 2017 legislative session.
  • Invite friends, neighbors, and Veterans to attend the rally.
  • RSVP to [email protected] by if you would like to carpool with other WOW members.
  • RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/Convention-of-States-Washington-Puget-Sound-Meetup/