Women of Washington is an educational organization with a focus on understanding local, national, and global issues that are critical to our world today.
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For more information from Women of Washington, email [email protected].
The Women of Washington Fall Kick-off Speaker, Jay Lehr, Ph.D., Science Director at The Heartland Institute, gave a very informative presentation on September 6. His presentation to President Trump can be viewedHERE.
"Confessions of a Green Peace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist"by Dr.Patrick Moore
"Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming"by Bjorn Lomborg (professor at Copenhagen Business School)
"Blue Planet in Green Shackles What is Endangered: Climate or Freedom?"By Vaclav Klaus (Pres of Czech Republic)
"Eco- Fascists: How Radical Conservationists Are Destroying our Natural Heritage"by Elizabeth Nickson
"The Whole Story of Climate: What Science Reveals About the Nature of Endless Change"by E. Kirsten Peters
"Unstoppable Global Warming every 1500 Years"by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery
"Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21" by Rosa Koire
"The Great Global Warming Blunder- How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists"by Roy W. Spencer
2. (CFACT) In 1985, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow was founded to promote a positive voice on environment and development issues. Its co-founders, David Rothbard and Craig Rucker, believed very strongly that the power of the market combined with the applications of safe technologies could offer humanity practical solutions to many of the world’s pressing concerns. Today, this Washington DC-based group is a highly respected organization and its voice can be heard relentlessly infusing the environmental debate with a balanced perspective on environmental stewardship.
3. Freedom Advocateshas published a booklet called "Transforming America: Sustainable Development" which is a good overview of what sustainable development does. Sustainable agendas push words and programs that sound good, but are not.
3. E & E News E&E News is a news organization focusing on energy and the environment. Our five daily publications and video programs deliver original and compelling journalism that keeps top decision makers in government, business, NGOs and academia informed and ahead of the curve. E&E’s success as an independently owned news organization -- established in 1998 -- relies on producing timely and objective reporting that our subscribers from all sides of the issues value and trust.
***Clint Richardson - Common Core, Agenda 21, And Global Privatization (View) Very important video. ***This is an outstanding presentation on climate change - a must watch. Watch this short video from the co-founder of Greenpeace. (View)
***Paris is About Global Control, Not Global Climate Read More
*** OBAMA’S HALF-BAKED ALASKA Wall Street Journal by Patrick Moore Read More
*** Prager University’s ‘Why I Left Greenpeace’ Features Patrick MooreIn this video from Prager University, Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, explains why he helped to create the organization … and what caused him to leave. Moore recounts how a simple movement to preserve the environment turned into a political movement that viewed humanity as an enemy of Earth. (Read More…)